Adnan Syed’s Supporters Have Funded A New Podcast About His Murder Case

Still suffering from Serial withdrawal? You’re about to get your fix, and I mean fast. Supporters of Adnan Syed, who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee in 1999, have raised $93,000 since he became the subject of last year’s hugely popular Serial podcast hosted by Sarah Koenig. As anyone who listened to Serial knows, many questions were raised about the case, most notably whether Syed was badly represented and, as a result, wrongly convicted. But now, the Adnan Syed Legal Trust is putting their money where their mouth is and sponsoring a follow-up podcast called Undisclosed: The State vs. Adnan Syed, which will be posted on Monday, April 13.

From the site:

The remarkable success of the podcast “Serial”, which brought to light the many questions that remained unresolved in this case, also left many questions unanswered. In the wake of Serial, much new evidence and information has been discovered and uncovered thanks to the investigations of attorneys Susan Simpson, Colin Miller, and the Adnan Syed Legal Trust.

“Undisclosed” will examine and explore the case in greater detail, from an investigatory perspective instead of a narrative one. The first episode will launch on April 13, 2015.

Undisclosed will not have any involvement from This American Life nor from Sarah Keonig, but Serial will be coming back with an all-new case. But for those of us wanting to know more about Syed’s side of the story and what is happening since he was granted an appeal in February, this will be a more focused look into one side of that crazy story.

Maybe we’ll finally get to the bottom of the freaking deal with Jay.

Source: TheWrap