Alec Baldwin Threatened To 'F*ck Up' Reporter Who Said His Wife Tweeted Through James Gandolfini's Funeral

Alec Baldwin has been known to have his altercations with journalists but this one may take the cake. The Daily Mail published a “report’ stating that Baldwin’s wife was tweeting through James Gandolfini’s funeral. And the sh*t hit the fan.

Just take a look at the tweets:

And here’s a tweet from his wife, Hilaria:

At the end of his rant, Baldwin apparently said he got rid of his publicists. Which, judging by this little tantrum, he didn’t really need to tell us anyway. Since then, he’s deleted his twitter account and it’s gone to the land of celebrity oopsie-daisies of deleted Twitter accounts only to return once the “scandal” has died down.

I don’t know about you guys, but I still see The Shadow when I see Alec Baldwin so him making threats still scares my face off. So I’m just going to stop now before I have nightmares of a knife with a face on it biting my fingers off.

[h/t Gawker]