Twitter Celebrates Achievements Of Black Women With Hashtag #BlackWomenDidThat

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Twitter can often be a wretched hive of scum and villainy. But once in a blue logo, the social media platform brings people together in a way that involves neither darkness nor shade. Case in point, the hashtag #BlackWomenDidThat. Twitter users utilized the trending tag to come together and celebrate accomplishments and firsts by black women. The hashtag was a signal boost to famous women and those that should be.

The hashtag was started by Twitter user @bitterblue55 in response to a call by Afrikan Black Coalition editor Anthony J. Williams. Williams was looking for a hashtag to highlight the achievements of black women following the nomination of Hillary Clinton.

“Yesterday, I watched Hillary Clinton become the first woman presidential nominee selected by the Democratic Party,” Williams said in an interview with Vox. “I thought of Shirley Chisholm, a black woman who ran for president years ago but whom I only learned about recently. I started tweeting, and a friend joined in, highlighting other black women.”

The hashtag took off shortly thereafter. Check out some of the best examples below.

Twitter found examples of excellence among black women in the fields of science:




…and entertainment:

But perhaps the best thing to come out of the trend was the celebration of everyday women who overcame long odds to accomplish great things:

And W. Kamau Bell gave the whole thing a nice meta shoutout that reminded folks to let women have this moment: