Duke Nukem Won’t Come Get Some Money From The GOP

duke nukem gop
3D Realms/Getty Images

If there’s a video game character most likely to be misunderstood, it’s Duke Nukem. The parody of ’80s action tropes and ass-backwards attitudes towards everything from conflict resolution to women is an obvious joke, but not everyone gets that. Including, it turns out, a major Republican Presidential candidate.

Jon St. John, voice of Duke and sadly not the voice actor for the Fifty Shades of Grey audiobook, recently took to Facebook to talk about a job he turned down:

St. John clarified a bit in the comments that it’s not “the” leading candidate, but “a” leading candidate. Most people think it’s Trump, and had a good laugh at the idea of a guy who shoots first and never asks questions narrating his ads.

But in our heart of hearts? We know it’s Ted Cruz. Cruz, whatever you may think of his policy positions, has pretty consistently unfurled his nerd flag and done a color guard routine with it. He’s been told to knock it off with his incessant Princess Bride quotes, he’s stated Captain Kirk was a Republican, and auditioned for The Simpsons. He is, for better or worse, exactly the kind of guy who would think it’s hilarious to have Duke Nukem voicing his campaign ads. Which in turn begs the question of which video game actors he’ll hit up next. Perhaps he’ll make Nolan North an offer?

(Via Kotaku)