Comics for 8/22/12: Three Books I'm Buying Tomorrow

Thanks to popular demand, we’re doing a short look at what’s coming tomorrow, and I’m approaching it through the lens of books I’m actually going to buy. Generally I’ll focus on two or three, and then give the floor to you guys.

So, without further ado, here’s a shamelessly pulpy book about a dude with a rocket pack, a Bill Hicks fan who shot Robin, and Archie getting his testicles removed.

Archie #636

No, they aren’t finally going to have that touching story about testicular cancer that Archie has been foreshadowing for decades. Instead Sabrina’s cat is going to gender flip the entirety of Riverdale.

Part of the reason I’m buying this issue is that Gisele Lagace is actually very good at making gender flipped versions of characters, as you can see from this preview. Also, you just know some fundamentalist weirdo is going to freak out about this issue, so the more it sells, the better.

Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #1

I’m a sucker for the Rocketeer. Even if the books were awful, I’d still probably buy them. That said, IDW has worked really hard to treat the legacy of Dave Stevens with respect. Their collection of short stories has a lot of talent behind it. And their next book in the series, the first proper followup to the cliffhanger Stevens’ original run ended on, is written by Mark Waid.

In short, sold, twice over. Chris Samnee’s artwork is just the icing on the cake.

Batman Incorporated #3

I understand precisely why this issue was delayed: It likely would have seemed tasteless to publish it so soon after the Aurora tragedy. Nonetheless I’ve been itching to find out what’s happening to Goatboy.

And now I open the floor to you: What’s coming out this week that you’re looking forward to?