North West Has The Same Policy As Her Dad Regarding Pictures

It’s becoming more and more apparent that North West is exactly like her father, Kanye. And like her temperamental dad (but unlike her mom), Nori isn’t too fond of having her picture constantly taken.

Kim Kardashian shared an adorable video of the two-year-old tyke sternly opposing being snapped by her mother. “No!” Nori denied when Kim tried to take a flick. “No what?” Kim asked. “No pictures!” she responded.

It wasn’t the first time North had to stop someone from taking her picture. Last October, she yelled, “I said no pictures!” when a pack of paparazzi hounded her while on her way to ballet practice. They ignored her request for privacy and kept snapping away. Luckily for them, North’s too young to channel her dad and go HAM on the paps.

In a recent interview with Editorialist, Kim Kardashian says she prayed when North was born that she would be able to handle the spotlight she was born into.

“When North was born, I used to pray, ‘Can she handle this life?’ Because it’s a lot to come into, a family that has the spotlight on them, and it’s very public. But I really believe people come into our lives, and they choose us, and she knows what her life is going to be. Kim says she wishes North will grow up to be a regular adult, adding, “My hope for her is that she is just really kind to people and grows up as normal as possible within all of the chaos.” Only time will tell.