Is NYC's Citi Bike Program A Pain In The Ass?

A few weeks ago NYC unveiled its new Citi Bike bike share program, to much controversy. There’s been lots of debate over the program — most people seem to either love it or hate it with no gray area in between — but bottom line: is it efficient? Well that’s what UPROXX favorite Casey Neistat set out to find. Is Citi Bike less of a pain in the ass than, say, owning your own bike or taking a cab.

i was not hired or paid by anyone to make this movie. i made it because i was curious about the program. i did, in fairness, send it to the NYTimes and they loved it but were forced to reject it due the to gratuitous use of the word ASS. i was unwilling to remove the profanity

despite the title of this film, which mirrors my initial experience, i do really really really love citibikes. more bikes means less cars (ideally), more active commuters, quieter city and generally a makes this place more civilized. i don’t think i’ll buy another bike, after this one it’s citibikes for me. also i did sign up for a 1 year membership, even though i own a bike, just incase i am ever in need.


(Via Laughing Squid)