Good news: Prince is playing ‘Saturday Night Live,’ and Chris Rock hosts

Prince will perform and Chris Rock will host the new Nov. 1 episode of “Saturday Night Live.”

Here are the various reasons why you already know this is good news.

1.This is Prince's first televised appearance in support of his two (2!) new albums, “Plectrumelectrum” and “Art Official Age.” Prince doesn't just play for anybody, so you better bet he's got some tricks up his sleeve.

2. Prince played “SNL” in 1981 and 2006. YouTube may not let you revisit it, but it was awesome both times. He is due back.

3. Prince also happens to be one of the best performers to play the Super Bowl Halftime Show ever. You know he can play to a television national audience, on a big or small stage.

4. Chris Rock interviewed Prince back in 1997, you know he brings out a little something special in the Purple One.

5. Chris Rock loves Prince. “SNL” benefits from an appreciation society, that's how you get Prince having fun. (Look to Dave Chappelle, Prince and “Breakfast Can Wait.”)

6. Prince and Chris Rock hang out. Chris Rock describes this, in part, in this bit with Jerry Seinfeld for “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” (fast forward to the 8-minute mark). They are up to something.

7. Rock dressed up as Prince in “Grown Ups 2.” Prince even tweeted that image today. There's gotta be a revenge plot.

8. Rock has a new movie, “Top Five,” due on December, and it's apparently one of his greatest projects to date. If he is peak form, then we are all in for a little treat.

9. This will be Rock's second time hosting “SNL” and dude's been through the Oscars hosting gig now, this should all be easy peas.

As previously reported, Jim Carrey and Iggy Azalea are hosting and music guesting (respectively) on Oct. 25's “SNL.”