Watch Kayleigh McEnany And Other Fox News Types Call BS On Voter Fraud Complaints In 2018

On Saturday, the majority of news networks called the presidential race for Joe Biden. Even Fox News! What followed hasn’t been surprising: The loser, incumbent Donald J. Trump, has refused to concede, firing off baseless accusations of voter fraud and other misinformation. So far pundits say the system will work out in the end, that Trump will leave office by hook or by crook. But the chorus of naysayers has brought back waves of anxiety to a nation that had been, at least in the cities, enjoying the rare good news.

But just as there’s always a tweet that finds Trump complaining about the very thing he just did, there’s always video of his entourage saying the opposite of what they’re saying now. The Daily Show team put together one of their patented supercuts and, lo and behold, it shows people like Kayleigh McEnany (pre-Press Secretary), Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, calling those who cry voter fraud “sore losers,” who “have a problem conceding defeat,” and they even mock the idea of “some mystery votes hiding somewhere.” And if you swap “Republicans” in for “Democrats,” they all sound like they’re members of the Trump resistance.

The clips, of course, aren’t new. They hail from the 2018 election, which saw the Democrats overtake the House. One favored Democratic leader who failed to win: Stacey Abrams, who was narrowly defeated in Georgia’s gubernatorial race by Republican Brian Kemp. Kemp was accused of voter fraud and voter suppression, particularly since, as then-secretary of state, he was in charge of Georgia’s elections and voter registration. Still, Abrams decided against pursuing legal action. Given that Trump has already filed numerous dodgy lawsuits, it’s safe to say if the shoe were on the other foot McEnany and company would — or at least should — be even madder now than they were two years back.

You can watch the full video above.