A Reporter Shut Down An Interview With An Anti-Masker When Things Took A Dark Turn

Some MAGA supporters recently went viral for their enthusiastic claim that their vibrational frequencies will protect them from COVID-19, but at one Beverly Hills mall, things got ugly, fast, on the same subject. A group of “Beverly Hills Freedom Rally” members (that’s the sweatshirt emblem that some of them wore, anyway, and they also, according to Mediaite, appear to be referring to themselves as “Shop Free Los Angeles”) stormed luxury stores, demanding that masking ordinances be revoked because of “freedom.”

One Inside Edition reporter interviewed a woman whose outburst has to be seen to be believed. That moment happens at the end of the above video, in which a brave Lisa Guerrero spoke with MAGA devotee Shiva Bagheri, who went from defiant to flat-out unhinged while explaining that Lisa and much of the world needs to stop telling her what to do with her face.

After a lengthy exchange, during which Guerrero did her best to maintain masked distance, Bagheri went to town on “fake” statistics that are ruining her shopping experience. “My point is freedom. You do not tell us what to do with our faces” she eventually exclaimed. “And what you’re doing is you’re part of a Satanic mask-wearing ritual wearing that thing! You are part of a satanic mask-wearing ritual!”

At that point, Guerrero got the hell out of there, and no one could blame her one bit for doing so. Stay safe, everyone.