Sean Hannity Went To Great Lengths To Generate Outrage To Distract From Assorted GOP Shenanigans And Scandals

Sean Hannity’s the King of Distraction whenever Republicans act up in a very prominent way and get called out for it. One only needs to witness his notorious habit of cutting to high speed car chases (that should have no bearing for a national audience), which is what he did during the height of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. This week, he’s dodging a few things, including Corey Lewandowski’s expulsion from “Trump World” following sexual harassment allegations. And Hannity would also like us to ignore how Republicans are stonewalling with their refusal to raise the debt ceiling, which could spark a global financial catastrophe.

What’s Hannity covering instead? He led with the congressional baseball claim, which is where he claimed that President Biden was “greeted by chorus of boos.”

Of course, it sure didn’t seem like Hannity was telling the truth.

Because there was quite an audibly positive response, too, when Biden and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi arrived in the house.

In fact, the clip that Hannity played to make his case for “a chorus of boos” (upon Biden’s arrival) actually revealed a lot more cheering than jeering.

That doesn’t matter for Sean Hannity. He had more important work to do, like talking about the location of Obama’s library in Chicago.

The library (which has been five years in the making) has been controversial because the library’s embracing digitalization and because of the neighborhood where it’s located, but it’s surely not as far-reaching in implications as the GOP scandals going around this week. Yet Hannity’s gonna Hannity.