‘Arrow’ Liveblog: The Huntress Returns Tonight

Arrow has never been shy about making with the DC Comics characters, but we’re in the middle of a three-episode run that’s fairly blatantly about the fanservice. We had the Suicide Squad last week, and this week, the Huntress and Black Canary team up. Sort of. Not really.

A quick recap of what happened last week: Diggle was called in to lead the Suicide Squad, and it turns out his ex and “Amanda Waller” are crappy people. Seriously, that was pretty much it. Ollie was barely in the episode, and frankly, it was about time, as Diggle got the spotlight.

But that’s going to change, not least because, well, the Huntress returns this week. You might remember from last season that the Huntress was an attractive highly skilled at hand-to-hand combatant who was more or less completely nuts. Yes, Ollie slept with her, because of course he did.

And now there is another hot woman highly skilled in a fistfight on the show, so no points for guessing what’s about to go down. We’ll let this trailer spoil it instead!

The downside is that the writing staff have admitted that this will be a Laurel-heavy episode, but hopefully she’s abducted and gagged early on in the episode. We’ll find out tonight at 8pm EST, when the party gets rolling here. Join us, won’t you?