15 Fan-Made Hiatus Tributes to 'Community' That Are Streets Ahead

It’s been three months and seven days since the last time we saw the Greendale Seven, sitting in front of the TV watching the “Inspector Spacetime” holiday special, and even longer since Annie and Britta last shared a mud bath together. Well, that’s not entirely true – that was the last time we saw a new episode of “Community.” In those three long months, there’s been plenty of Greendale goodness…on the Internet. *Record scratch* From viral videos to flash mobs to paintings to board games, “Community” fans really stepped up their game during the show’s hiatus, to prove to NBC how beloved the show is. (Obligatory “stupid Nielsen ratings” rant.) They’ve done their part; now it’s time for NBC to come to their senses and RENEW THE SHOW FOR SEASON FOUR.

Ahem. Anyway, here are 15 non-Britta’d fan-made tributes made during “Community”’s too long hiatus.

I’m the tall, goofy looking guy in the background!








Make your own origami, as seen in the opening credits. (Via)




The guy pulling the Puppy Parade wagon was dressed at the Cookie Wizard. DOUBLE COSTUME. (Via)


It’s almost back, you guys. (Via)