Presenting The Selfie Arm, The Forever Alone Of Photo-Based Inventions

It’s all Ibn al-Haytham’s fault. If he hadn’t invented the pinhole camera, Steve Jobs wouldn’t have used his time machine to steal the idea and put a camera on cell phones (I don’t think I’m missing any steps), leading to the proliferation of the selfie and subsequent selfie stick. So, maybe it’s actually Jobs’ fault? Either way, some lonely monster is to blame for the selfie arm. From designboom:

The sarcastic solution to a quintessential problem — nobody wants to look alone while they mindlessly snap pictures of themselves — the [selfie arm] conveniently provides you a welcoming arm. and better yet, it doesn’t talk or have emotions of any sort. you can even create fake accounts and use its finger to like all your images; its not you its the hand! “selfie arm” is made of fiberglass, is lightweight and portable, and fortunately only a prototype. the collaborative project is a direct commentary on the growing selfie stick phenomenon, and the constant, gnawing need for narcissistic internet validation.

Thankfully, the Selfie Arm is just a collaborative project by Aric Snee and Justin Crowe, not an actual product, but it’s only a matter of time before Zombie Steve Jobs rises from his mono-colored Genius Crypt and attaches it to Apple Watches. At least the Silicon Valley spoof will be good?

(designboom via Neatorama)