Watch A ‘Nervous’ Jeff Sessions Protest While Kamala Harris Interrogates Him During His Senate Hearing

During Jeff Sessions’ Tuesday testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russia, he was both “appalled” (while clumsily trying to blame Al Franken for his own possible perjury) and testy (while fending off James Comey’s assertion that his Russia recusal was “problematic”). Yet the Foghorn really hit the Leghorn when Sessions clashed with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the most formidable foe who appeared to make Sessions sweat. At least, he admitted to being a bundle of nerves by how she pressed on with questioning as he dragged his feet.

Naturally, Harris knew that she didn’t have much time to make a dent in Sessions’ efforts to let the clock run (he “didn’t recall” many things over the course of a few hours), and he was quite discombobulated by Harris’ refusal to let him get away with essentially saying nothing. As such, the U.S. Attorney General actually protested. “You let me qualify,” he said. “If I don’t qualify, you accuse me of lying, so I need to be correct as best as I can.” That wasn’t all. He whined, “I’m not able to be rushed this fast. It makes me nervous.

Harris was clearly the victor in exposing Sessions’ unwillingness to cooperate during his hearing, which is to be expected from a fellow who habitually “forgets” about his meetings with foreign diplomats (actually, he answers the wrong questions) while under oath. However, Sessions managed to stonewall so much that Harris was eventually cut off by Senate Intel. Committee Chair Richard Burr (R-NC) for the second time in less than a week. You can see that portion of the hearing below.