Lonzo Ball Appears To Have Gotten His Big Baller Brand Tattoo Turned Into A Pair Of Dice

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Lonzo Ball’s season is over to a lingering ankle injury, but the second-year guard has found a way to stir up intrigue, anyway. There’s a ton of smoke surrounding Ball’s ties with his father’s company, Big Baller Brand, coming to an end. Ball ended his relationship with the company’s co-founder, the Los Angeles Lakers had some concerns about how Big Baller Brand’s sneakers might have played a role in his ankle issues, and he posted a picture to social media that made it look like a move to Nike could be on the horizon.

Everything is speculation for now, but on Tuesday night, a picture hit the internet that poured gas on the fire. Ball had the Big Baller Brand logo tattooed on his right arm, but it appears that he’s gotten that turned into a pair of dice.

This came one day after a video of Ball’s manager disposed of a pair of Big Baller Brand sneakers with the hashtag #dumpyourmerch.

It’s a fascinating series of events, and because no one knows anything, the possibility that a lot of this is some big marketing stunt by BBB exists. Getting the tattoo covered up, however, would seem to be an indication that this is far more serious than some attempt to stir up intrigue in the company. There are questions about the future of Big Baller Brand, and it’d be really hard to see a path forward for the company if the eldest Ball son leaves.