Frotcast 382: Requiem For A Lieb, Matt’s True Heroin Stories

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Now then, this week’s episode: Anyone reasonably well-versed in #FROTLORE knows that one of the most lurid parts of the Frotcast origin story is the Irregular Regular Matt Lieb being a former heroin addict. We make a lot of jokes about it, like we do everything (up to and including our former host dying of cancer) but how much do we actually know about it? On this very special edition of the Filmdrunk Frotcast, we talk to someone who was actually there when Matt was doing too much heroin and in need of an intervention. Turns out, the people who actually lived it think it’s a much less funny story. Weird! Max Hartman, the guy who finally told Matt’s parents he was a junkie and started the process of him getting sober, joins us this week to tell us about heroin Matt, who apparently was a lot like sober Matt, just a lot stinkier, a lot more prone to having seizures, and, oddly, a lot more adamant about being driven to KFC. It’s Lieb, the True Hollywood Story! Behind the Jew-sic! Requiem for a Lieb! A History Of Lieb Part 1: The Heroin Years! I dunno, you can probably come up with a better pun.

We squeeze plenty of #CONTENT out of Matt re-living his ninth step (making amends), but we still have time for some current events, like people burning their Nike gear to respect the flag, and sentient mucus creature Steve Bannon getting invited then disinvited to the ascot convention. Enjoy!

Matt Lieb

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