Gal Gadot Shows Off Her Wonder Woman Physique Again

Gal Gadot will be our first feature film Wonder Woman in Batman Versus Superman and two additional movies. Some people complained she was too skinny and/or needed breast implants, because the internet always keeps it classy. We responded to the complaints with sarcasm while Gadot went a classier route, assuring fans she was starting a serious training regimen.

Our first update about that training regimen came last week, when Gal Gadot uploaded this post-workout photo on her Facebook page. Now she offers a second workout shot via Facebook with the caption, “Selfi while standing on a ball. Now tell me this is not original! Good morning!!!

Gal Gadot has said she’ll be filming her scenes this May, which gives her a couple more months to continue studying MMA moves (she’s a former member of the Isreali military), add more muscle, and learn how to spell selfie.