Wonder Woman And Blue Beetle Join The Fray In ‘Injustice 2’

With Mortal Kombat X reaching the end of its gory and fun lifecycle, NetherRealm Studios is preparing for the next battle of the DC intellectual properties (AKA superheroes) with Injustice 2. The first Injustice had over 30 characters, and we can assume that Injustice 2, in the grand tradition of sequels, will have over 30 characters, especially if this trailer is any indication. NetherRealm unveiled the latest, gameplay-filled trailer at San Diego Comic-Con, and we have a Blue Beetle, folks.

Granted, it’s the newfangled Blue Beetle, who really isn’t new. I’m being unfair. This is teen goofball Jaime Reyes, not the Blue Beetle who got thrashed by Doomsday (who had his poor beetle head slammed in a car door). Since Reyes is a little more superhero-y than our former Justice League buddy who would hang out with Booster Gold, this is a good thing. As you can see in the trailer, Blue Beetle has a plethora of cool moves to make Wonder Woman (who returns from the first game) black and blue (mostly blue).

It can be argued that the first Injustice had the best story mode of any 1-1 fighter in the history of 1-1 fighters. Maybe, just maybe, Injustice 2 can top it. I look forward to finding out.