Matt Damon Fights The Power With Sarcasm In The First Clip From ‘Elysium’

Sony has released the first clip and two featurettes for Elysium, the second film from District 9 writer/director Neill Blomkamp. In the first video below, Matt Damon tries to deal with a bureaucratic robot who extends his parole and offers him pills to quell his human sarcasm. Ironically, we’d like to tell Sony to stop putting distracting hashtags on the screen for the entire duration of their clip, but we’d end up stuck in a hellish phone tree of an automated customer service system.

The other two videos are featurettes about the droids of Elysium and the exoskeleton Damon wears to increase his strength and speed. Matt Damon describes the droids as “your worst kind of bureaucracy nightmare”. Definitely not the droids we’re looking for.

Check out the videos below along with a new The Social Network-style poster. You don’t make 251,200 enemies without raiding an idyllic space station.

HD clip available at Yahoo! Trailer available here. Elysium opens August 9th.

[Sources: CBM, ENI, and First Showing. Banner picture courtesy of Sony TriStar Pictures.]