Exclusive Preview: ‘Green Lantern: New Guardians’ #25

Kyle Rayner is not having a good time of it in the New 52. Sure, he’s a a White Lantern, but he’s cut off from family and friends due to his seeming untimely death, mistrusted by most of the universe, and he’s stuck babysitting the remnants of the Guardians. And if this preview of Green Lantern: New Guardians is any indication, his luck isn’t turning around anytime soon.

Justin Jordan is handling the writing on this book, and he’s been doing a really good job. Kyle is one of those characters who’s fascinating in his own right, but sometimes gets the short end of the stick thanks to being, well, Hal Jordan’s ’90s replacement. Jordan’s done a good job of giving Kyle his own place in the DCU, and making him relatable even as he has to amp up the power level.

Of course, that doesn’t mean, as we’ve noted, that life is easy for poor Kyle. In this exclusive preview, we find out just how tough it is…