‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Broke Seven Guinness World Records

To the surprise of probably no one, Grand Theft Auto V has broken seven Guinness World Records. Here’s the full list, via CVG.

  • Best-selling video game in 24 hours (11.21 million units sold)
  • Best-selling action-adventure video game in 24 hours
  • Fastest entertainment property to gross $1 billion (three days after release)
  • Fastest video game to gross $1 billion
  • Highest revenue generated by an entertainment product in 24 hours ($815.7 million)
  • Highest grossing video game in 24 hours
  • Most viewed trailer for an action-adventure video game

Or, to summarize:

Guinness overlooked some of the other records Grand Theft Auto V broke, like most mimes punched and funniest cutscenes and easiest property with which to set up movie references for a YouTube video:

(Sources: CVG and Laughing Squid)