‘Arrow’ Goes Recruiting For A New Black Canary On This Week’s Geeky TV

Last week on Arrow, we had a visit from Evil, Fun Laurel. Sadly she couldn’t stick around, so we need a new Black Canary, and that’s what this week’s episode is all about!

Yep, no mantle can stay unfulfillled for long in the Arrowverse, which means this new Canary is joining the team. Fortunately, she’s not very prone to judgy arguments with her family and prefers punching as a communication method. Which is something of a relief, even if the job of Black Canary has a fatality rate almost as high as Starling City mayor or police officer on Gotham. Seriously, if you like your health, take up a career with more safety and security, like illegal plutonium mining.

Meanwhile, Felicity tries to free Diggle with hacking magic and instead discovers there’s a hacker better than she is out there, and we pick up the other big plot thread this season: Talia Al Ghul, in flashbacks, has just saved Ollie from a bunch of angry Russians. She wants to help him kill Dolph Lungren, which, you know, have fun with that, but her help has a price Ollie is conflicted about paying. We’ll find out just what it is you pay an assassin with tonight at 8pm EST on the CW. Join us, won’t you?