Burger King Is Giving Out Free Whoppers To Those Willing To Hear Star Wars Spoilers

There are two types of film fans — those who go dark and swear off social media in the days following a big movie’s release in an attempt to avoid spoilers, and those who dig through Reddit threads hunting for every plot point. We don’t think either approach is right way necessarily, enjoy movies however you want to enjoy them! Hell, I know I’ll be taking a few shots of my favorite bourbon before I take my seat in the theater to watch Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker — as pretty much every Star Wars fan out there is sweating bullets hoping this movie brings together a divided fandom.

For the spoiler-averse, it’s going to be quiet a weekend of dodging conversations, but for those on the hunt for answers from the final film in the Skywalker Saga — or people who just don’t care about Star Wars — you might be able to get a few answers from Burger King, as well as a free Whopper. So long as you’re in Germany.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Burger King of Germany is holding a special promotion leading up to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker‘s release, giving customers the choice to hear spoilers in an exchange for a free Whopper.

“We wanted to challenge people’s Whopper love and put it to the ultimate test by asking them to choose between their love for our flagship product and their love for the most epic sci-fi movie ever,” says Burger King Germany’s director of marketing Klause Schmäing.

Customers must download the Burger King app and read plot details out loud while placing their order to receive their free Whopper, which honestly sounds like a bummer deal for the cashier. Actually, altogether it sounds iffy — I’ve had the Whopper, hell I’ve even had the Whopper side-by-side with the Impossible Whopper, making me as much as an expert on the Whopper as I am on Star Wars. It ain’t worth it, fam!

According to Food & Wine, users on Reddit are currently investigating whether the spoilers that Burger King Germany got their hands on are actually legit. Schmäing went on to say “Whether the spoilers really correspond to the truth will ultimately only be revealed once the film is released.”

So either these spoilers from Burger King are legit, and this is the weirdest attempt by the company yet to get people to download their app, or it’s all fake and this is all just a fun way to test the popularity of the Whopper versus the Star Wars franchise in Germany. In which case, I have to tell you Burger King — you’re about to be more up in your feelings than half of the Star Wars fandom after viewing Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Still though, I would love to live in the reality shown in Burger King Germany’s ad for the promotion, a world where movie spoilers are so gratuitous that they’re printed on the french fries themselves! Watch the insanity below, but be warned, it may contain spoilers.
