This Toddler With Fists Of Fury Is A Better Boxer Than You Are

Hey, get a load of this kid that would ruin you if you ever got in a fight with him. I don’t know about you, but I am willing to admit that if I were to throw hands with this child, I would get straight up wrecked.

Look at the ease and speed with which he is throwing these punches. At most, this dude is probably six or seven years old, but he looks super disciplined as a boxer. These punches are hard, they are precise, and he remembers that after he throws punches, he needs to get his hands back up to protect himself. That’s the savvy of a veteran boxer, folks.

Also: a special shout out goes to his pad holder. Like the boxer, the pad holder is also a child, probably of a similar age, and probably didn’t have to get into training after a long, gruesome boxing career, one which led to him going “I want to share what I know with the next generation of boxers.” If our young boxer gets into the ring, I am positive that his pad holder would be a better corner man than most.

(via Deadspin)