Local Natives Do Their Best To Not Anger The Hive With Their Cover Of Beyoncé’s ‘All Night’

Local Natives‘ decision to cover Beyoncé is risky as all hell. On the one hand, you might draw the attention of the The BeyHive, a group that can turn your life into a living hell of emojis and draggings on a whim. On the other, they might anger hardheaded indie purists who come to a band like them to get away from King Bey’s omnipresence (though, why they would want to is anyone’s guess). Luckily, having really pretty voices is kind of the Silver Lake band’s thing, so they do as much justice to a Bey song as anyone can.

The band covered the Lemonade track during an in-studio session on Sirius XM’s indie station XMU while there to promote their upcoming album Sunlit Youth, which is out September 9 and currently streaming on their Tumblr. Maybe they’re hoping some of the spark from what is definitely one of the best albums of the year will rub off on them. Check it out up top.

As far as covers go, it’s pretty great. But it has nothing on their backyard jam edition of Simon & Garfunkel’s “Cecilia” from back in the band’s early Gorilla Manor-based days.

Tree percussion > all other types of percussion. Sorry, has to be said.

(via Pitchfork)