The Minnesota Twins Turned Their Stadium Purple To Honor Prince

Prince is beloved everywhere the world over, but he is particularly loved in his home state of Minnesota. The Minnesota Twins are in Milwaukee for a series with the Brewers, but their stadium, Target Field, is still currently housing a tribute to the late genius, Prince Nelson Rogers.

The Twins’ Twitter feed posted a picture of Target Field lit up in purple, Prince’s preferred color of course, with the caption “Fitting that it’s raining in Minneapolis today.” They’ve also put a purple tint on their Twitter page as a whole. The field’s Jumbotron features a picture of Prince on a motorcycle and the words “Good night sweet Prince.” Naturally, it’s purple.

While the Twins can’t pay true tribute to Prince while the team is out of town, the organization is considering the possibility of paying homage to the state’s native son once the team is back at home. A rep, speaking to TMZ, said that they are batting around ideas for how to honor Prince when the time comes. “I’m sure [the tribute] will include a lot of Prince music. I don’t know if it’ll happen, but were talking about instead of a moment of silence, having a moment of sexy,” the rep said.

The Twins also noted that their rookies go through the ritual of learning Prince’s songs. Here’s the team singing “Little Red Corvette.”

(Via TMZ)