Sufjan Stevens’ Moving Video For ‘Mystery Of Love’ Captures The Beauty Of ‘Call Me By Your Name’

If you haven’t seen Luca Guadagnino’s beautiful and moving film Call Me By Your Name yet, it’s literally so good that skipping out of work for a matinee would be worth it (just ask Frank Ocean). The movie takes place in Northern Italy during the early-’80s and follows a young man falling deeply in love for the first time, learning to embrace his sexuality and finding the freedom that comes with discovering who you are and what you are capable of.

The film is bolstered by the music of Sufjan Stevens throughout, with a trio of songs appearing during the runtime. Two of these, “Mystery Of Love” and “Visions Of Gideon” are original for the movie and have made the shortlist for Oscar consideration. Today, Pitchfork has premiered a video for the former of these songs, which doesn’t visually feature Sufjan, instead opting for a highlight reel of sorts from the film. The clip manages to capture the sweetness and sadness of Call Me By Your Name in just a few short minutes, providing a worthy introduction or a welcome reminder of the magic that the movie holds.

Check out the video for Sufjan Stevens’ “Mystery Of Love” above and check out Call Me By Your Name at your local movie house.