Twitter Users Are Absolutely Trashing Lil Wayne’s The Carter IV

As you may have heard, Lil Wayne’s latest effort, The Carter IV, dropped today, and while critical reviews are sparse but largely complimentary at the moment, Twitter users have been weighing in on the album — and the response seems to be overwhelmingly negative.
Yes, for most of the afternoon today the hashtag #ThingsBetterThanTheCarterIV has been at or near the top of Twitter’s U.S. trending topics. Wayne — whose latest video reminded me of a piece of anti-premarital sex propaganda — closed last night’s VMAs wearing a pair of leopard-patterned pants, so perhaps this is all some sort of stealth retribution that was diabolically orchestrated by PETA activists? Or maybe Jay-Z — who Lil Wayne has a beef with now, apparently.
Wherever the hashtag came from, some of the tweets with #ThingsBetterThanTheCarterIV attached are quite funny, so I’ve assembled a few of my favorites after the jump. Wiz Khalifa even got into the act!