The Well-Endowed And Proud Donald Trump Canceled His CPAC Speech At The Last Minute

Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Warren, Michigan
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Marco Rubio‘s “most vulgar person” in the 2016 election, the well-endowed and proud Donald Trump, did something Friday morning that his fans and detractors spent most of the day ranting and raving about. After reading that first sentence, you probably thought I was talking about that particular moment during Thursday’s Fox GOP Debate when the New York real estate mogul defended his junk against the Florida senator’s “small hands” comments. You’d be wrong, because while Thursday night wasn’t a collective fever dream endured by the American people, Trump topped the night’s unending insults by delivering an equally well-endowed middle finger to establishment Republicans and conservatives in Washington, D.C.

That’s because, as CNN and other outlets reported, Trump canceled his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that was scheduled for Saturday at Maryland’s National Harbor. Why? Because instead of attending the same event he’d addressed for several years prior, the Republican front-runner decided to campaign in Kansas and Florida instead.

“Because of this, he will not be able to speak at CPAC as he has done for many consecutive years,” the statement read in a semi-apologetic tone. “Mr. Trump would like to thank Matt Schlapp and all of the executives at CPAC and looks forward to returning to next year, hopefully as president of the United States.”

Needless to say, the assumed-POTUS’ last-minute decision to neglect one of the largest and most prominent annual gatherings of conservative politicos and pundits didn’t go unnoticed. Nor was the Donald’s pompous message all that appreciated. (i.e. They didn’t like it at all.) Hence why the CPAC’s official Twitter account expressed the organization’s disappointment with Trump’s decision to skip out.

“His choice sends a clear message to conservatives,” concluded the tweet. And while said “message” wasn’t too clearly defined by the CPAC’s response, its intended meaning was. Which is why the White House hopeful’s fans and haters alike shared their displeasure online.

(Via CNN)