People Are Freaking Out About The Car Kendrick Lamar Got His Sister For Graduation

Kendrick Lamar has the biggest album of 2017, headlined the biggest festival thus far this year and had his single sit atop the Billboard Hot 100 for weeks at a time, but Cornrow Kenny is nothing if not practical. With all of that success — and all of the money you’d expect to come from it — you’d think K. Dot would be splurging on all sorts of trinkets for himself and his family, but apparently he’s remaining humble (I know, I know) and keeping life simple.

Take for instance, Kendrick’s sweet gift for his little sister after her graduation, a brand new car. Kayla shared a picture of her new 2017 Toyota on Twitter and Instagram and as always, they had to go and ruin it. Maybe everybody expected him to get her a Lamborghini or a Mercedes or something, but people did not seemed to be pleased.

Granted, some fans seemed to get it, applauding Kayla for her graduation and noting how reliable that car would be for a teenager just getting their adult life started. Maybe Kenny is saving the Lambo for college graduation, or maybe Kayla’s dream car is a Toyota, who knows? Whatever the case, the very best reaction was these fans noticing a wee bit of irony in Kendrick’s car choice for his baby sister.

That’s the perfect reaction to the gift from Kendrick. Check out the full gamut of reactions below.