The Five Best Apps For Keeping An Eye On Congress

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Politics have never been more squarely at the forefront of the American mind, whether it’s because of the actions of the Oval Office or protesters and organizers taking action where Congress won’t.

So, how do you ride herd on your Congressional representatives? How do you keep an eye on their voting records and track their actions?

With these five apps!

5) Informed Citizen

Informed Citizen is a handy app that tells you who’s in Congress, and just as importantly who’s contributed to their campaign and what industries they’re friendly with.

If you’re annoyed at your rep, you can now follow the money.

4) iCitizen

iCitizen helps you get local; it tells you not just who your federal reps are, but also state and local. The app also lets you weigh in on issues and offers useful explanation of complex poll questions.

3) BuyPartisan

So once you know who’s taking money from which industry, how do you do something about it? BuyPartisan lets you check the contributions of the companies and executives behind products with a click.

Not a fan of their political views? Then you can simply opt out, voting with your wallet.

2) Countable

One of the more useful streamlined call apps, Countable lets you get in touch with your representatives via video or phone. If you just want to contact one rep directly, it’s highly effective.

1) 5Calls

Of course, why call one when you can call five? 5Calls is a famous (and, on Capitol Hill, notorious) app that encourages you to make five calls a day to your representatives, as well as others who can help advance the items you care about most. It also gives you tools to document your calls so you can know your exact impact.

Got an app you use to stay in touch with Congress? Let us know in the comments!