I’ll save you a Google search for “star wars f*ck” (don’t do it, especially if you’re at work… believe me): the word “f*ck” has never been said in the Star Wars universe. “Ass,” yes, as well as “crap” and “hell,” but never the f-word. Unless the f-word is “feed the Sarlacc,” which is apparently slang for “to use the toilet,” then it has.
But Andor almost made some swear word Star Wars history. While discussing Maarva’s stirring speech in the season one finale, actress Denise Gough, who played Imperial officer Dedra Meero, told Empire, “[Fiona Shaw’s] voice was over all of us. Except, at the end, she didn’t say, ‘Fight the Empire!’ She said, ‘F*ck the Empire!’ Which we were all really excited about. But we weren’t allowed to keep it, obviously.”
Oscar Isaac tried to drop the first f-bomb in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (allegedly), but was rejected. Now this? Disney+ needs to lighten up and let Baby Yoda say f*ck.
Gough sure isn’t afraid to let a drop a well-timed “f*ck,” however.
One thing’s certain, though: the pantheon of all-time-great Star Wars villains has a new fixture [in Dedra] — and appropriately she’s a rogue one. Not a Sith Lord, not power-hungry, just single-minded and fearsomely fanatical. She’s as smart as her Rebel enemies (“She thinks exactly like them – she is a Rebel!”), entirely disdainful of her inferior superiors, and ready to make life even more difficult for Cassian Andor and company. In Gough’s own words? “I am going to Dedra the f*ck out of the second season,” she warns.
Andor season two can’t get here soon enough (but we’ll have to wait until 2024).
(Via Empire)