Finally. Not a lot has made sense about The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon so far, but we’re getting there, people.
To briefly recap, The Walking Dead: Dead City is closing in on its final episode of the Semi-Old Negan and Maggie spinoff’s first season. And on September 10, Daryl In Paris will be on the way to bring us glamorous zombies or something. Only kidding on that last point, but really, little of what has been revealed thus far jibes with what we know about this universe.
For instance, Daryl apparently ended up on a boat and slept his way across the ocean, and he has no idea how he washes ashore in France. Also, no one knows where Dog might be, but he’s not with Daryl. The Internet let slip that Melissa McBride’s Carol has been photographed on the set, but we don’t know if those scenes will be in the Commonwealth or if she somehow ends up in France, too. I’m guessing the former, but we don’t know for sure. Additionally, Daryl ends up riding on a horse without a motorcycle or even a Vespa in sight in preview images, and don’t even get me started on those sadistic nuns.
With all of these questions up in the air, one thing that I have truly wished for is to see Daryl pick up a crossbow again. And hey, AMC has given us some new images that include Daryl with a pistol crossbow. Behold.

Finally, my unwashed boo is back in his element. Enjoy these photos, too.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon will be on his way to Crossbow City on September 10.