Jimmy Kimmel Helpfully Breaks Down ‘Pathetic’ Don Jr.’s ‘Saddest Video Yet’

If Donald Trump Jr. weren’t so painfully unlikeable, one almost might feel sorry for the guy. While he may be his father’s namesake, Don Jr. has clearly spent all 44 of the years he has been on this planet desperately seeking his father’s approval, as evidenced by his chosen “career” path… which seems to be just stumping for his dad.

But every so often, however, Fredo will say something semi-human — reminding the world that he’s just a floundering forty-something with daddy issues. And Jimmy Kimmel may have found the most blatant video evidence of that yet.

On Wednesday night, Kimmel shared what he described as “what might be [Don Jr.’s] saddest video yet.” As the late-night host explained: “Big Don was whining about Don Jr. being investigated on possible conspiracy charges at a rally that was supposed to be for Dr. Oz this weekend. And for whatever reason, this touched Don Jr. very deeply.”

In the video, a disheveled-looking Don Jr. (is there really any other kind?) explained:

Pretty cool. Was watching the DJT rally this weekend and I got the honorable mention… It’s nice to know that [my dad] cares. You know, he’s a tough guy. He sort of treats me and anyone else around him sort of like Hillary at the debates.

It’s always nice to see… dad talking about it. It shows he cares, you know. ‘Cause there are just times we’re just in that fight. Sometimes you miss it.

This all sounds incredibly familiar

Have many people felt the same way at times? Absolutely. Have they broadcast it for the whole world to see? Definitely not.

“Pathetic” is the only word Kimmel really had for the whole scenario. “As bad a president as Donald Trump was, as a father he might even be worse.”

You can watch Kimmel’s full segment above, beginning around the 5:10 mark.