Trevor Noah Compares Trump To A Fan-Favorite ‘Game Of Thrones’ Character Due To His Election Victory

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Most seem to still be picking up the pieces after Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, but The Daily Show seems be back on track after a pair of fairly depressing episodes. Instead of spending more time lamenting the election of Trump, Trevor Noah decided to look into the reason he won and how some of his promises will play out. This meant a look at the working classic, particularly those in the middle of the country.

The bottom line seems to be that jobs leaving for other countries might not be the biggest reason for the decline in manufacturing jobs, placing the blame more on the back of progress. And the one thing that Trump can’t really change is progress and where we’ve come technologically. Kodak film gets the spotlight in the clip above, but the same issue is facing those who work in coal mines and even truck drivers if you believe the news about advancements in those self-driving trucks.

But Trump was helped by the people who think he might be able to spark a return for these types of jobs. And as Noah adds, he was also aided by people who felt that their voice might not have been heard by the other side. This is when Noah makes a comparison that might not sit well with many Game Of Thrones fans. To him, Trump is a lot like Jon Snow reaching out the Wildlings. The support of the people who were being ignored by the “establishment” has thrusted a self-described “outsider” into power.

Will it have a similar ending to Game Of Thrones? Well let’s hope not, despite the kindness of those frozen Canadian White Walkers.

(Via The Daily Show)