'47 Ronin' Gets A Headchoppingly Good New Trailer

47 Ronin, as we’ve established, is a ridiculous movie that has nothing to do with the historical legend. But it does have Keanu Reeves cutting off lots of heads, if this new trailer is to believed. So, eh, it’s a wash.

Actually, this movie honestly looks better with each trailer we post. And this one is no different, giving us more of a look at the effects, monsters, and sheer scale of the proceedings.

So, basically it’s a movie that opens with Keanu Reeves fighting a cave troll with a katana and escalates from there with even more katanas? Oh, no, Universal, that’s a terrible sales pitch, we’re not trying to stuff all our money into the box office as you read this.

Joking aside, this is starting to look like a lot of fun. We’ve called this one as a sleeper hit this Christmas, especially since the competition boils down to Stallone and DeNiro making fun of their career highlights and Ben Stiller in yet another remake. And as escapes from the family drama go, this one looks to be a winner. We’ll see December 25th.