Amanda Bynes Tweet To Rihanna: ‘Chris Brown Beat You Because You’re Not Pretty Enough’

If you thought that Amanda Bynes was going to lay low this weekend after she was arrested for allegedly smoking a joint in her apartment’s lobby before the police entered her apartment, noticed a bong and then watched her allegedly throw it out of her window – all of which the former actress denies – you clearly haven’t been paying attention to her. (In which case, you may be the luckiest person(s) of all.)

Alas, the She’s the Man star cranked the dial to 11 and not only accused one of the arresting officers of sexually assaulting her when they entered her apartment, but she also launched a brief-but-vicious Twitter attack at Rihanna. As the kids who help me convert my VHS tapes to DVD would say: “She went there.”

Bynes deleted each of the Tweets almost immediately, but TMZ grabbed them before that happened, so they’re still preserved for the whole world to see.

Rihanna mostly took the high road and responded, “Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention?” which caused plenty of LOLs and LMAOs before Bynes raised the stakes with her own response: “unlike ur fugly faced self I don’t do drugs! U need the intervention dog! I met ur ugly face in person! U aren’t pretty u know it!”

Whether or not this is an elaborate ploy to make Drake fall in love with her by attacking his own rivals is yet to be seen, but the Tweets that still remain on her feed are mostly devoted to proclaiming her innocence from the night of her arrest. That includes her claims that InTouch’s photos from her apartment are photoshopped and “Giovanni” was never dancing behind her in her bathroom:

Bynes claims that she’s suing InTouch because they “superimposed my face onto someone else’s body”, while she also Tweeted this rant about how she was sexually assaulted by an officer and is suing the NYPD as well.

to say I wasn’t offended being treated like a mental insane person/criminal on the night the cops illegally entered my apartment, found nothing, sexually assaulted me, then arrested me taking me to a mental hospital, then locking me up all night for no wrong doing us criminal on THEIR part. My lawyer and I are taking this mistake extremely seriously! You cannot illegally enter my apartment then take me to mental hospital without any grounds. I have never been so offended in my life. They found nothing criminal on me or around me, one cop then sexually assaulted me, so I’m suing for all of the above! I’ll be happy when I get money compensation from the cop who assaulted me and NYPD for wrongfully arresting me and having me put into a mental hospital and jail overnight! I don’t want to keep talking about it. My lawyer is taking care of it for me. My real friends don’t talk about me on twitter. Also, never trust or listen to a word any person from my family says to the press. I am suing them for money laundering/unethical manager work, I never signed a contract with them, and they had been stealing my money without me knowing, claiming they were managing me somehow when they have no right to act as if they did anything to help or enhance my career and I want $ back that I earned on my own. I’m 27 and don’t like when press talks to my parents. My parents are almost 70 years old. We are no longer on speaking terms. I would rather them be homeless than live off of my money.

In conclusion…

(Banner images via Amanda’s Twitter)