OK Everybody, Donald Trump Is Really Going To Run For President In 2016

Donald Trump
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Since tweeting about Mexico’s big win at the Oscars, it’s been a slow two press-less days for Donald Trump. So the host of The Celebrity Apprentice decided to discuss his presidential ambitions for the 2016 elections with The Washington Post. More than ever, it seems “The Donald” is keen to gain the White House and fix the nation’s most pressing issues.

In fact, Trump is so serious, he’s hired staff and an election attorney. He’s even “delayed signing on for another season as host of NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice because of his political projects.”

“Everybody feels I’m doing this just to have fun or because it’s good for the brand,” Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post. “Well, it’s not fun. I’m not doing this for enjoyment. I’m doing this because the country is in serious trouble.”

The moves are the most significant steps yet by Trump, 68, toward a bona fide presidential bid, which he considered briefly and flamboyantly in 2011 before deciding against a run.

The looming question, however, is whether he can convince Republicans that he is more than a celebrity bomb-thrower and instead is sincere in his consideration of a campaign.

Gary Busey’s four-year-old endorsement aside, Trump has many significant difficulties to hurdle before mounting a serious campaign. These obviously include the same political wranglings put on public display every time there’s an election, but his celebrity status presents a unique problem.

“It’s a free country and he can do whatever he wants with his money, but the notion of him being elected president is pretty remote,” sad Thomas D. Rath, a former attorney general in New Hampshire. “Running for president shouldn’t be a reality show that you watch once a week.”

All things being equal, this is bound to generate some entertaining discussions online. (The original article’s comment count as of this writing sits just above 1,300.) However, I wanted to take a moment to point out the unintentional irony of Rath’s “reality show” comment.

(Via The Washington Post)