Drop Everything! The Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Cozy Coupe Is Here!

These are confusing times we live in. We’ve lost a Ghostbuster, but we’ve gained an Ecto-1. I HAVE SO MANY CONFLICTING EMOTIONS! Harold Ramis left us far too soon, but one crafty person built something that can help us remember the good times. The new answer to “Who you gonna call?” is Redditor tabres, who turned a worn out, old Cozy Coupe into a work of art for his newborn nephew.

Tabres constructed the custom Ecto-1 from inexpensive materials (and love, which comes at a terrible price). His love of cars and Ghostbusters made this an obvious choice for a gift. Maybe tabres can continue this fine tradition by getting his nephew a dog named Zuul this awesome Lego set for an upcoming birthday.

We’ve got some more photos of the Ecto-1, and the flashing lights mounted to its roof. Try not to think about how terrible this makes your childhood toys in comparison. If it gets to be too much for you, and you can’t stop thinking about how obvious it is in retrospect that your parents never loved you, take ten deep breaths and look at this picture. Feeling better? You’re welcome.
On to the photos!

Just think: the kid won’t even be able to use this for another year or so. If you’re interested in making a custom Ecto-1 Cozy Coupe, check out the tutorial over at Imgur.

Via Technabob