A Woman Pretended To Be Drunk To See How Men Would React To Her

A rehab clinic in Madrid, Spain, hired an actress to walk around town pretending to be drunk to gauge men’s reactions. Would they help her? Would they try to take advantage of her? Would they think it’s a really weird episode of Billy on the Street? That’s what Centro Europeo Neurosalus wanted to know, and they now have their answer: A lot of people are terrible.

Like the group of gentlemen who recommend she keep drinking. And another who invites her back to his hotel. And yet another who pins her against a wall and tries to kiss her several times. Obviously, the footage was edited, and there were probably some good citizens who tried to assist the woman, but at the end of the video, the director claims otherwise.

“Most of you are probably surprised and some of you also disgusted and maybe you are thinking that we have avoided some scenes favoring the most ‘juicy’ parts, but I am afraid to deceive you. It really was the opposite. Those situations full of rudeness and physical abuse were taken away because there is no need to show it in such depth. The most disappointing fact is that we had no need to edit the video. Why? Because nobody got close to helping this drunken woman.”

That’s… disconcerting. (Via Daily Mail)

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