George Santos, Knowing He’s About To Be Expelled, Has Decided To Go Out Calling One Of His Chief Tormentors A ‘P*ssy’

Is George Santos finally about to meet his comeuppance? The same has frequently been said about Donald Trump, and look at him now. But Santos isn’t Trump, and after a full year of revelations about his wacko backstory — and a beyond damning report by the House Ethics Committee — even he’s pretty sure he’s done-zo. But if he’s about to go out, he’s going to do it calling his enemies mean names.

Per The Daily Beast, the embattled GOP representative took part in a three hour tirade on what was once called Twitter Spaces. He remained, as ever, defiant.

“They want to kick me out of a job they didn’t put me in,” he said. “I’m not leaving. Come hell or high water, it’s done when I say it’s done.”

Is it, though? At another point during his epic tirade, he sounded a bit more like his future was out of his hands.

“I know I’m going to get expelled when this expulsion resolution goes to the floor,” Santos admitted. “I’ve done the math over and over, and it doesn’t look really good.”

Santos, who may be expelled after the House reconvenes post-Thanksgiving, has already announced that, no matter what happens, he won’t seek his job again. But his reasons for so, he claimed, weren’t what most would think.

“I’m not running for reelection, not because this was a damning report,” Santos charged. I’m not running for reelection because I don’t want to work with a bunch of hypocrites.”

During the livestream, Santos torched his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

“Within the ranks of United States Congress there’s felons galore, there’s people with all sorts of shystie backgrounds,” Santos said. He claimed some of them are “more worried about getting drunk every night with the next lobbyists they’re going to screw” than enacting legislation.

Santos, though, reserved particular ire for one colleague in particular: House Ethics Committee Chairman Michael Guest, who introduced the resolution to boot him. He dared Guest to force an expulsion vote, telling him to “be a man and stop being a pussy and call the damn motion.”

Will that work? Will Santos be out on the street soon, making up all new creative lies about his past, all while fending off those 23 criminal charges awaiting him concerning things like wire fraud, identity theft, and money laundering? Or will he, like Trump, somehow weasel his way out of it, stronger than ever? We live in dumb times, so who’s to say?

(Via The Daily Beast)