Rudy Giuliani Cracked A ‘Locker Room Talk’ Joke At A Pre-Inauguration Luncheon

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On Thursday, for only $350, Republican lawyers were treated to a celebratory luncheon with Donald Trump, complete with an extravagant meal and amateur stand up from Rudy Giuliani. The attempt at humor involved a “locker room talk” reference while discussing 9/11 — an odd combination to say the least.

Giuliani brought up the national tragedy not only to relay someone else’s remarks but to crack a joke of his own. In doing so, he discussed riding along with George W. Bush and New York City Fire Department Commissioner Tom Van Essen shortly after 9/11. According to Giuliani, the trio enjoyed a conversation that he referenced as being like Trump’s “locker room talk:”

“In the same car with me was my fire commissioner, Tom Van Essen. And Tom had lost what turned out to be 343 firefighters. And President Bush recognized him from seeing him on television the prior two days. And he leaned over to Tom, grabbed his arm, and said to him, ‘Tom, I’m so sorry. How are things going?’ Tom looked at him and said, ‘Much better now. My wife came home last night and I got lucky.’”

It’s not exactly known why Giuliani told the story, but he continued to chug along:

“That’s locker room talk,” Giuliani continued. “President Bush remembered that so well that when he saw Tom three weeks later at a firehouse dinner, he came up to him and said, ‘Tom, are you still getting lucky?’ And Tom said, ‘No, it’s worn out.’”

Giuliani then launched into a more conventional speech touting Trump as the president. Giuliani is known for a few gaffes, but his remarks also highlight his allegiance to Trump, as he was quick to defend after the president’s infamous “locker room talk” was revealed. Trump honored that loyalty and appointed him to lead a cyber security team. No word yet if he’s scoping open mic nights in D.C.

(Via The Intercept)