Here Is The Most Wonderfully Insane College Recruitment Video You’ll Ever See

One of the many things that get uploaded to YouTube — which is now seeing a century of video being uploaded to it every ten days — these days are a slew of college recruitment videos, whether it be for athletics, fraternities, sororities, academic clubs, etc. Most of them are awful, some hilariously so.

But then there are others, a rare few, that are AWESOME. The video below promoting the merits of playing sports at Benedictine University is one of those, looking and feeling like something Stephen Colbert would have produced while on an acid trip. Beneath the vid on YouTube it reads, “No Description Available.” And that’s probably how it should be — words simply don’t do it justice.

WARNING: If an exploding moon, the Eiffel Tower getting knocked down with a golf shot and a volleyball getting spiked through the Earth aren’t your thing, don’t watch this. Consider yourself warned.

(HT: Deadspin)