If You Ask Nicely, You Too Can Smoke Hookah And Hang Out With Dave Chappelle

Dave Chappelle was in Minneapolis last night for a surprise comedy show (hope no one heckled him), but the evening before, you might have seen him chilling outside a Middle Eastern restaurant, smoking hookah, and talking to “freebass,” a Redditor who was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

Ran into Dave Chappelle outside my hotel around midnight today (8/2). Hung out at the empty hotel bar for a couple of hours and chatted about this and that. Dave ended up inviting us to a hookah bar / Middle Eastern restaurant, but by the time we arrived, it was closing (2:00AM). The owners were gracious enough to stay open for us and for the next 4 hours it was hookah, drinks, and swapping stories. Haven’t slept yet, but what a night…It was a damn good time. Drank at the hotel bar for a while (it was completely empty which made it even better) and then smoked hookah for 4 hours and hammed it up. Went straight from there to the airport, still have yet to sleep, but it was totally worth it. (Via)

Chappelle also told “freebass” that he’d think about participating in an AMA. Can we all agree now to NOT mention the words “yeah,” “Rick James,” and/or “bitch”? Or else:

(Via) (GIF via)