Kayden Kross Filmed The Porn Star Version Of The Catcalling Video

A few days before Hollamovement’s conversation-starting clip that showed what it’s like for a female to walk around New York City for 10 hours (it also works as a montage of terrible male pickup lines), porn star Kayden Kross made a very different catcalling video. In it, she’s the one who’s throwing out the compliments, including “I’d walk you down the aisle, man” and “hey baby, wanna start a family together?”

It’s called “When Women Cat Call,” which I can almost guarantee was the name of a Skinemax flick from the mid-1990s. Anyway, this is all just the foreplay to SNL hopefully acknowledging the “controversy,” or whatever you want to call it, by having Prince walk down the street and making ALL the men and women pregnant with a sly smirk. Can’t wait.