The NFL’s Clear Purse Controversy Gets The Mocking It So Justly Deserves

If, by chance, you’ve attended an NFL preseason game in the past couple of weeks, there’s a good chance you’ve seen ladies at the stadium gates being turned away — or being forced to ditch their purses into trash bins — because they were carrying traditional purses instead of the clear ones the league now mandates for “security” reasons.

Reports the NY Times:

With few exceptions, fans attending games are allowed to take into stadiums only small purses and handbags; small, clear plastic or vinyl bags; and one-gallon plastic freezer bags.

Shoulder bags, backpacks, briefcases, fanny packs, camera and binocular cases and even diaper bags are now forbidden. Coolers, thermoses and seat cushions with zippers are also banned. Blankets are still allowed, as are gloves, hats and other items that can be stuffed in pockets or worn.

“We are looking at this as a progressive and reasonable step in light of current events,” said Brian McCarthy, a spokesman for the N.F.L. “Most people aren’t affected, and there’s a lot of room for everyone with a bag.”

Naturally, Roger Goodell’s Evil Empire is selling clear purses through its online store (which I will not link to on principle). GO FIGURE. Because far be it for the money-making machine that is the NFL to not attempt to profit from its new rule by selling hundreds of thousands of crappy purses to female fans.

On the flip side, a few entrepreneurs have started selling clear purses and frankly their products are much more fashionable and better made. So yeah, maybe consider buying a clear purse from one of them instead of enriching the NFL even further? Just a thought.

ANYWAY, in the video embedded above — which you may have seen on With Leather — comedians Lauren LaBorde and Colleen Allerton give the kerfuffle over the NFL’s new purse policy the mocking it justly deserves. Enjoy.