‘Remember Me’ To Give Players A Good Variety Of Different Asses To Kick

I find enemy variety is a real issue in a lot of modern HD games. All too often a game gives you dozens of ways to kill your foes, but then doesn’t bother to come up with more than one or two types of baddies to test your sweet moves on. Sometimes the enemies will be given a new hat or weapon, but that’s about as much “variety” as you get. I’m looking at you Assassin’s Creed.

Thankfully it seems like Remember Me will be serving up a varied assortment of stuff to beat up on. It looks as though the enemies come in three main classes (weird mutant guys, armored soldiers and robots) with each one of those classes containing several different types of bad guy.

Hit the jump for the latest, baddie-heavy Remember Me trailer

Maybe it’s just me, but the animation seemed a lot smoother here than in some of the earlier trailers. The game seems to be coming along nicely.

via Destructoid