Eva Green Is Full-On Naked In This ‘Sin City: A Dame To Kill For’ Red Band Trailer

At Hall H of San Diego Comic-Con this weekend, Dimension Films premiered an extended red band trailer for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. It’s now here for all of us to see in the privacy of our own homes, outhouses, cubicles, or what have you. This one is definitely filled with spoilers, as it shows the women of Basin City killing damn near everyone while “Babes” by Icky Blossoms thumps in the background.

This trailer even features a cameo by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller at the beginning, both of whom teased the possibility of a Sin City 3 at their Comic-Con panel. Lady Gaga’s cameo is in this trailer as well (She’s the waitress who gives Joseph Gordon-Levitt a dollar).

More importantly, the trailer features not one but two obscured shots of Eva Green being the titular dame to kill for. Did Marv just say the title of the movie? Everybody do a shot. But don’t do a shot every time someone gets killed. You would die.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For opens August 22nd.

Via First Showing