The First Music Video Made With Real-Time MRI Techniques Is Suitably Mind-Blowing

Adam Powell directed the music video above for “Better Man Than He” by Sivu. Normally we wouldn’t post a music video, but this one was created entirely with Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Sivu in the process of singing. Mind. Blown. (And magnetized.)

It looks like real-time MRI techniques have been used to create the video, capturing movement of the vocal system in a single mid-sagittal imaging plane. Real-time MRI is a relatively new technique that allows the live capture of images of moving objects and is being employed to study organs such as the heart, joint kinetics and complicated coordinated movements employed during speaking, swallowing and, as seen here, singing. [Medgadget]

Sivu is pictured here in the flesh, and I’m assuming he’s Welsh because I like to assume random British people are Welsh and then see if they get mad.

Doctors Marc E. Miquel and Andrew David Scott at St Bartholomew’s Hospital (London) assisted in making the video.

Sivu had to lay in the MRI and repeat the song for two or three hours to get the resulting video seen here. Totally worth it.